fredag 30 december 2016

Första dagen

Melbourne var fantastisk! Började kanske lite halv dåligt med magsjuka och dåligt humör, antar att det kan bli så när man lämnar bekvämligheten och man är så tätt inpå varandra. Men i vilket fall.. Första dagen spenderade jag själv i Southbank där jag gick till olika loppisar, marknader och bara strosade ikring och tog selfies. 
När Chris mådde lite bättre efter vila gick vi tillsammans ut. Påväg till en mycket blåsig strand såg vi denna skylt! 
Till kvällen gick vi igenom dom kända små gränderna där alla möjliga personer har täckt väggarna med graffiti och tags. Men eftersom ingen av oss var på topp den dagen gick vi hem till hostlet ganska tidigt. 
Hostlet som vi bodde på hade dessutom suuuper billig öl i baren där vi spelade trivia och joker poker. Första dagen var mycket bra, men rätt så kall! Fortsättning följer.. 

lördag 24 december 2016

Last days in Cairns

Sista dagarna i min älskade australiensiska hemstad, Cairns, spenderades på bästa möjliga sätt! Gick till favorit caféet "The flying monkey" där dom gör den bästa chai latten. Relaxade tills det var dags att göra Alla viktiga saker inför resan.
Och på banken hittade jag denna lilla kölapp med lite söta små meddelande. 
Resten av dagen och natten gick åt till att packa, väga och prov-bära all packning. Och när det väl var den sista dagen sa jag hejdå till mina huskamrater, jobbkamrater och alla andra vänner jag skaffat längsmed resan. 
När allt var klart var jag ungefär så här glad och utmattad. 

tisdag 13 december 2016

Ajöken adjö!

Eftersom jag snart lämnar Cairns för Melbourne har det blivit många hejdån den senaste tiden. fler kommer komma och det känns så vemodigt. Men jag är ju självklart jätte exalterad för nästa äventyr!  
För någon dag sedan sa jag hejdå till Chris familj. hade en dag med bbq och lek med lilla Brian. 
Och igår kväll, efter jobbet, gick jag och Sammy till Salthouse för billiga hejdå-drinkar. Chris och Dan kom dom också efter tag. sedan gick vi igenom ett jul pyntat Cairns för att avsluta det hela på McDonalds. snipp, snapp, snut, så var sagan slut! 

söndag 11 december 2016

Cafe fika och Lucia

Då har man fått sin första jultradition för i år avklarad. Lite luciafirande sådär på förmiddagen, mitt i tropikerna, satt ju inte helt fel. Magen tyckte att Lussebulle, peparkakastårta och cappuccino var en alldeles utomordentlig frukost! 
Efter lucian och fikat traskade vi hem igen i hettan. nöjda, glada och bull-mätta! 

torsdag 8 december 2016

December var det ja....

Nu har det gått alldeles, alldeles för länge sen sist. Skulle kunna dra alla möjliga ursäkter, men det tänker jag inte. Det har helt enkelt varit en berg-och-dalbana av händelser, känslor och otur den senaste tiden. Kanske vänder det nu med endast två månader kvar här.. Jag hoppas. 

lördag 23 juli 2016

Fine. Just fine

Im fine. Im here. In my jungle. working, chillin, hanging and sleeping. My awesome neighbours and chantelle has left my street. I miss them heaps. 
But for now, all I can do is work, save money and trying to enjoy the little things. And I am. 

onsdag 6 juli 2016

260 Grafton street

So I've now finally moved in to town! And the only thing i can say about it is that it is awesome! close to work, to friends, to fun and much more! And my neighbours are the bestest! My dear friends Kajsa and Josefine bought a van, a lovely little thing with the name Chantelle. The girls and Chantelle are currently parked right outside my house, which makes them the best neighbors. I'll be sad to see them leave...

fredag 24 juni 2016

People I've met #1

Where's the action?.

Please don't mind the mess (or the fact that there is no mess), I've been moving! 
Still no phone. But life's still as good, if not even better.

söndag 19 juni 2016

Live and laugh

The thing's that is making me excited atm is:
- That i'm soon gonna move away from Edmonton and into Cairns city
- Hopefully get the greatest job ever! (wont say more about it, dont wanna jinx it)
- For Kristina, a swedish au pair that I met in Moranbah, to move up to Cairns in July
- Im also very excited for my newfound friends that are gonna go do their farmwork soon. Although, i will be so so sooooo very sad when they leave
- The episode of game of thrones that'll come out tomorrow!!!! one of the biggest fight are about to be fought, "The battles of the bastards" it is called. GAAAH!
- That I'm getting a new phone. Probably a Sony, again. 

lördag 18 juni 2016

Rest in peace you son of a cunt

So unfortunately I couldn't save my phone. I gave it to two different phone repair shops here in Cairns and they both said, after less then one with it, that it is fucked. It is so damage that the costs for the repair would be more than buying a new phone. So I'm now saying good buy to my phone by transferring the last selfies taken with it, the last screenshots, snapchat videos and so much more. And since this it is a sad time for me I will share two old photos of me in Moranbah when i was sick and had to cure myself by sitting in the bathtub in boiling hot water for hours. My hands didn't really look like my hands after that 2-3h bath, but I felt abit better and went out that same night, haha! 
So yet again.. I have no phone. Hopefully I can find a cheap one to buy, but until then: PUSSHEJ!

söndag 12 juni 2016


Im soooooooooo hooked on the tv-show "girls". Obsessed might even be a better word at this stage. So here is an awsome little inspo update!

onsdag 8 juni 2016

Still me

So I dont think I've change that much during my time here in Australia. Take this photo for example: This is taken probably in january or february last year and I miss and still love everything about this photo. I miss my cosy, fluffy, colorful eternityscarf, my black winter coat, the green jumper you can see behind the coat and the pink hairchalk. Since i got here i've taken the hairchalk to the next level! i've bought some hairdye that last in the hair up to like eight-ten washes and i've tried both pink and purple. I still use the hairchalk every now and then since its so easy and fun!
And here I am, may last year, in my purple hairdye! Love it!

fredag 3 juni 2016

20 things I love atm..

1. My friend Alice has her own youtube chanel and I just cant stop watching it! I get to see some short shoots and views from my hometown and Alice is just so freakin adorable!
2. For years and years I've heard my sister talk about this tv-show called "girls" and a few days ago i started watching season one. And wow, was I hooked!? Im so happy I started watching girls. Its like a dirty, more realistic version of sex and the city, with younger actresses. Love it! 
3. Not only do I love my friend Alices youtube channel, I love youtube in general! I've started watching heaps of videos lately and i've become addicted to a girl who is doing similar stuff to what Alice is doing. She's been doing this for a few years so there's so many videos to watch!
4. Svea. Always and forever <3 div="">
5. My job. Even tho it sucks so many times it's still pretty good. I've met heaps of new people, have become friends with some and got heaps of free stuff from the lost and found. HAHA!
6. I tried to make rawballs last week, using dates, cacaopowder, cashew nuts, honey and coconutoil. They were soooooo good! had them as snacks on the bus, qvick breakfast and for those times when i just felt like eating something sweet.  You'll find a swedish recipe HERE, only difference: they used hazelnuts instead of cashew 
7. This person (who also is back in Australia atm):
8. This typical swedish sandwich is something i miss and love dearly...
9. For those who doesnt know this: I have a van, a campervan. And i love it, so much! But the time has come for us to say goodbye and part ways. I'll always remember Dah Jah Man Van.
10. This song and dance:
11. Last Wednesday I celebrated  my 24th birthday. It was a lovely day with friends and fun. And the day after mine 24th we celebrated my new found friend Kajsas birthday. 
12. And for birthday present i got this awesome camera:
13. A few weeks ago i decided to do something i've never done before. it was painful and almost like a nightmare. I went and got almost my entire body waxed! I cant compare this pain with any pain i've ever felt, but i can say this: SO WORTH IT!! I was sooo smooth, so hairless and pretty and now, 1-2 weeks later its growing back out again. But!! slower and not as thick. so, YAY!
14. At work I found this book in swedish with the title "me after you". I read it on the bus from and til work everyday. At the end of the book i was upset, not cause it ended badly, but because i didnt want it to end. But thankfully i discovered that the book has also been made in to a movie and will be out in mid june.
15. With me getting a job and sorting some stuff out i can finally start saving again. Its been a time now with no income and only expenses, so it feels safe to know that I'll have my own back covered again. 
16. A blast from the past! Awesome movie from the back in the good days with one of my favorite girls of all time: Lauryn Hill
17. This person:
18. This swedish song:
19. The tv-show "Unga foraldrar" from tv4play just recently came out with a third season and one of the familys in the show is from Hedemora. So then again i get to see views and some people from my hometown
20. Worst quality ever, but... I love to show and send this picture to people so they kind a get to understand how freakin big Australia is.

Great bad news

My phone has been broken for more then a month now, thats why i've been so quiet everywhere. And because i only have Chris laptop to use, without a swedish keyboard I now have to write in english, so it wont look all crazy witouth the three last letters in the swedish alphabet ! haha :) But I might keep doing that in the future as well since I now have so many readers from Australia, Germany etc. But as soon as I manage to save some money one week i'll go have the phone fixed and i can then again message people on facebook, get lost on pinterest, look at inspirational accounts on instagram and yeah! You fucking name it! But untill then: PUSSHEJ!
Photos from the hotel in Brisbane, September 2015